Norway Storting Valg

Preliminary Results

Election Date: 13 Sept,2021

Analysis Date: 14 Sept,2021

  1. Loading Libraries
library(readxl) # for reading excel file
library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling
library(ggplot2) # for plotting
library(ggparliament) # for parliament plot
library(dplyr) # for pipes
library(DT) # DT Tables
library(kableExtra) # Table Styling

  1. Read excel file
# read_excel("...")

  1. Arbeiderpartiet got the most seats: 48
Valg %>%  kbl() %>%  kable_styling()
year country house party_long party_short seats government colour
2021 Norway Storting Arbeiderpartiet AP 48 0 #df1a21
2021 Norway Storting Hoyre H 36 0 #87acd7
2021 Norway Storting Senterpartiet Sp 28 0 #217121
2021 Norway Storting Fremskrittspartiet Frp 21 0 #005194
2021 Norway Storting Sosialistisk Venstreparti SV 13 0 #a51818
2021 Norway Storting Rodt R 8 0 #e73446
2021 Norway Storting Venstre V 8 0 #53be29
2021 Norway Storting Kristeliq Folkeparti KrF 3 0 #ffaf10
2021 Norway Storting Miljopartiet De Gronne MdG 3 0 #67962e
2021 Norway Storting Pasientfokus Other 1 0 #2d3326

  1. Take data and transform for ggparliament
No_Valg <- parliament_data(election_data = Valg,
                    type = "semicircle",
                    parl_rows = 4,
                    party_seats = Valg$seats)

  1. Plotting the data.
ggplot(No_Valg, aes(x, y, colour = party_long)) +
    geom_parliament_seats() + 
    geom_highlight_government(government == 1) +
    # add bar showing proportion of seats by party in legislature
    geom_parliament_bar(colour = colour, party = party_long) + 
    theme(legend.position = 'bottom'
          ) +
    labs(colour = NULL, 
         title = "Norway Storting Valg 2021",
         subtitle = "Preliminary results") +
    scale_colour_manual(values = No_Valg$colour,
                        limits = No_Valg$party_long)

The files and links can be found on github Repo:

Daniyal Arif
Daniyal Arif
Data Scientist

Helping firms use data as an asset and make informed decisions, optimize operations with data insights